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Laws and Regulations

Some of the relavent laws and regulations governing Small to Medium Enterprises in the United Kingdom.
- The information is accurate at time of publishing, December 2024. Legislation may be created or updated at any time.
- This information is provided as guidance to help inform decisions and is not a substatute to formal legal advice.

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General Data Protection Regulations

The United Kingdoms implementation of the European Unions General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).

Data Protection Act

Data Protection Act

The Data Protection Act 2018 is the UKs more formal implemetation of EUs GDPR.

Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations

Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations

The Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations 2003 governs useage of electronic communications for direct marketing.

Computer Misuse Act

Computer Misuse Act

The Computer Missuse Act 1990 criminalizes cybercrimes like:
-Unauthorized access
-Unauthorized Modification
-Computer Malice

The Investigatory Powers Act

Investigatory Powers Act

The Investigatory Powers Act 2016 provides the authoritys and the goverment the power to conduct surveillance and access communications data.

The Digital Economy Act

Digital Economy Act

The Digital Economy Act 2017 regulates the use of data and enhances online safety.