The importance of privacy and online rights in a modern age including topics on: -Artificial Intelligence -Surveillance Cameras -Facial Recognition -Social Media -Gaining Trust -Disclosing Personal Data
Cyber Security
The impotance of good digital security with topics covering: -Passwords -Two Factor Authentication -Email Security -Malware -Encryption -Safe Practices
Staff Training
Free training on: -Phishing awearness -Password Strengh -Complience awearness
Learn about the expectations of data protection in a business including: -UK General Data Protection Regulations -Data Protection Act -Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations 2003 -The Computer Misuse Act -The Investigatory Powers Act -The Digital Economy Act
Tools and Resorses
Free and paid tools that are usefull to maintain privacy, security, and most importantly, data protection including: -Privacy International Framework -Cyber Essentials Framework -Account Access Managment
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