
Secure SME

Secure SME is a framework designed to help guide and inform decisions made by small to medium enterprises (SME) in the United Kingdom.

Please note this website is a work in progress and some pages may not work.

Learn more about the framework

Online Privacy

The importance of privacy and online rights in a modern age including topics on:
-Artificial Intelligence
-Surveillance Cameras
-Facial Recognition
-Social Media
-Gaining Trust
-Disclosing Personal Data


Cyber Security

The impotance of good digital security with topics covering:
-Two Factor Authentication
-Email Security
-Safe Practices


Staff Training

Free training on:
-Phishing awearness
-Password Strengh
-Complience awearness

Policies and Procedures

Policies and Procedures

Creating public policys and private procedures including:
-Privacy Policys
-Cookie Policys
-Data Breach Procedure
-Data Access Requests
-Business Continuity
-Disaster Recovery

Laws and Regulations

Laws and Regulations

Learn about the expectations of data protection in a business including:
-UK General Data Protection Regulations
-Data Protection Act
-Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations 2003
-The Computer Misuse Act
-The Investigatory Powers Act
-The Digital Economy Act

Tools and Resorses

Tools and Resorses

Free and paid tools that are usefull to maintain privacy, security, and most importantly, data protection including:
-Privacy International Framework
-Cyber Essentials Framework
-Account Access Managment